What is differential pressure?
If you have a dust collector operating in your workplace. You may have heard the term differential pressure. You may be thinking to yourself – What is differential pressure? Well, you are about to be informed and it could come in very handy. Especially if you want to keep your costs down and your workplace running efficiently.
Differential pressure is the variance of pressure measurements between two different places in a system. The reading can be used to determine the efficiency of a dust collector and it can also be used to monitor emissions. The reading is taken from the clean and the dirty side of the collector. When the dirty air travels through the filter it comes across some resistance from the fabric and also any build up on the filters.
If the filters are clean there is obviously less resistance. The cleaner the filters are the lower the pressure. If you encounter a high pressure it can indicate the that there are clogs in filters or they are very full. If the reading is dramatically low it can indicate loose bags or even holes. Either way if the DP is too high or too low it means that your emissions are high. Both being a sign you need to take immediate action.
Failing to maintain and service your machine can lead to costly repairs, lost money in operations costs and even hefty fines due to poor emissions. WDIS.WA can help you set up a regular maintenance schedule, source bags and parts or upgrade your collector. Give our friendly staff a call today to discuss your options.