The significance of a dust collection system for personal safety is also a strong factor in the need for a properly installed, well-running and maintained system. A dust free and clean environment reduces health risks involved with airborne dust. Luckily, there are 5 different collector types. This means there are many different options to cater to your specific needs.
Fabric Filters
Fabric filters or a bag house use fabric filters to separate dust particles from gas. Bags can consist of many different materials. You can place a baghouse into different categories simply by their method of cleaning.
A rod attached to a bag which can be controlled by a motor. This delivers motions to remove built up particles.
Reverse Air
Air flow gives the bag shape. Dirty air flows through the bag from the inside, allowing dust to collect on the inner surface.
Pulse Jet
This type of baghouse cleaning is certainly the most popular. A high-pressure blast of air removes dust from the bag.
Sonic is probably the least common type of cleaning method. The shaking occurs due to sonic vibrations.
Cartridge collectors use perforated metal cartridges. These contain a pleated, nonwoven filtering media instead of woven or felt bags used in baghouses.
Electrostatic Precipitators
Dust particles separate from gases because of the use of electrostatic forces. There are two major types of precipitators which are a high voltage single stage and low voltage two stage. The high voltage option is generally put to use in the mineral processing industry. The low voltage option is normally put to use on air conditioning filter systems.
To be continued…