As an employee or employer, you are responsible for the health and safety of those in your workplace, including visitors. If you’re self-employed, you are responsible for your own safety and the safety of others.
You must ensure that the work environment, systems of work, machinery and equipment are safe and properly maintained, adequate workplace facilities are available. You are also responsible for providing information, training, instruction and supervision and monitoring workers’ health.
Although workplace accidents are falling, respiratory disease in the workplace is always a risk. Many workers develop occupational lung and other diseases, including cancer, each year. When working in places with a lot of airborne contaminants it is important that you provide adequate facilities, PPE and that your staff have been trained correctly on how to use them.
Local exhaust ventilation equipment can remove airborne contaminants before people breathe them in. WDIS.WA can help guide you in the right direction when choosing a system and have numerous years of experience designing and installing equipment for this type of application. If you already have a system installed we can help by providing regular servicing and maintenance throughout the year.
If you have any concerns about the dust or fume emissions in your workplace, give WDIS.WA a call. We can come out and assess your airborne contaminant situation and provide you with a solution.